What are the top 10 questions asked by web shoppers?

For over a year now, retailers have had to accelerate their digitalization in order to continue selling.

We’ve carried out a small survey of the main requests customers make when buying a product from an online store, looking at the questions most frequently asked of e-commerce chatbots.

Why do customers contact an online store’s customer support team? What are the support team’s most frequently asked questions?

#1 Retour commande

We’ve all done it before! This represents over 45% of the questions asked of e-commerce chatbots!

For some time now, most e-commerce sites have made it easy to return an item or the entire order purchased online, free of charge. This encourages Internet users to buy more quickly without looking at the details of the product(s) they are buying.

It’s a well-known fact that Internet users need an instant answer, and don’t spend a lot of time on a website to find the answer to their question. More than 25% of them ask to contact customer support, whatever the subject of their request.

💡 have a chatbot + a livechat: so rather than sending an email directly via the contact form, the user will be able to ask the chatbot his question and get his answer right away.

If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because:

  • you’re looking to relieve pressure on the customer support team

  • the customer support team always answers the same questions

  • you want to improve the customer experience

#2 Annuler ma commande

Consumers sometimes buy on a sudden impulse, without taking the time to think about their real needs.

As a result, after a moment’s reflection, you may quickly come to regret your order. And it accounts for 9% of e-commerce chatbot requests.

💡 🙂 propose a “cancel my order” button in the chatbot’s menu to explain in a simple and effective way the procedure to follow.

#3 Reset password

Password, login, credit card code… We all have a lot of things to remember, and it’s not unusual to have a big memory lapse! More than 8% of consumers ask for their password to be reset!

💡 🙂 propose a “forget password” button in the chatbot menu to link back to the user profile.

#4 Incomplete order

An oversight happens to everyone! 7% of consumers tell the chatbot that their order is incomplete.

#5 Change delivery address

What’s great about most e-commerce sites is the ability to register multiple shipping & billing addresses. Sometimes, when confirming an order, you get confused!

3% of users ask the bot to change their delivery address.

💡 🙂 link the chatbot to the user profile to enable it to connect directly to its customer account.

The last 3 most frequently asked questions relate to order modification, payment methods and payment receipts.

These themes of questions help e-commerce sites get started quickly with a chatbot project. Read our article dedicated to getting a chatbot project off to a good start.

If you’ve read this entire article, it’s probably because:

    • You have a chatbot project

    • you want a demo of our chatbot platform

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