Chatbot vs. Livechat

The last time you chatted in live chat, what happened? Did you speak to a customer support agent who answered you correctly? Or did you have to leave your e-mail address so that an advisor could get back to you later?

Live chat is ideal when you can actually connect to live customer support. However, organizations can’t promise this 24 hours a day. As a result, this can lead to more frustration and dissatisfaction for the user. That’s why more and more organizations are turning to chatbots to improve overall communication.

A chatbot is powered by artificial intelligence to interact with consumers through an interface.
Of course, an intelligent agent will always have a drawback in that it’s not human, so responses can’t be 100% personalized. However, chatbots can satisfy many users, since most of their queries are answered immediately.

In this article, we’ll compare chatbots and live chat. This should enable you to choose the best solution for your particular application.

What to expect from live chat

With live chat, a human performs the interaction. This allows the agent to respond in a contextual way, while also sensing the customer’s emotions. However, live chat is unable to track customer information, making it difficult to provide personalized service.
On the other hand, live chat has the ability to handle queries of a more complex nature, especially if these queries are long, hard-to-understand sentences. However, managing a large number of requests is difficult, especially when several discussions are taking place simultaneously.
When a customer query is repetitive or simple, live chat wastes customer support time.

What to expect from the chatbot

Rather than an interaction performed by a human, a chatbot is an interaction performed by an intelligent agent. The virtual agent is powered by artificial intelligence, which translates a consumer request and responds quickly. Chatbots have come a long way since their inception, and are now capable of associating a visitor’s profile with conversational data so that the wholecustomer experience can be personalized.
On top of that, a chatbot has the ability to handle any number of conversations at once and at any time of day or night. The chatbot is particularly useful when a user has a repetitive and/or simple request.

Why choose chatbot over live chat?

We’re moving more and more towards a digital environment in which AI plays an increasingly important role. For this reason, organizations are increasingly integrating a chatbot into their website design or redesign.

There are a number of benefits associated with chatbots including 24/7 availability, multitasking… Take a look at some of the big chatbot benefits explained in more detail in this article.

Not only do you benefit from the advantages of fast response times, multitasking and the ability to operate without human supervision, but you also need to think about ease of use and availability.

How about chatbot & live chat?

It’s perfectly possible to combine the two! Spellz proposes a takeover.
When a user has a more complex request or doesn’t find a satisfactory answer with the chatbot, they can ask to be put in touch with an advisor (if this has been programmed upstream in the chatbot).
In this case, customer support receives a notification with the entire history of exchanges between the user and the chatbot, so the advisor has all the information needed to respond quickly and concisely to the user’s query.

Let’s take a look at a short video introducing you to the takeover:

And on a practical note: live chat is part of the same platform as the chatbot. All chatbot and live chat history is now in one place.

So let’s get started?

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