About us

Our Mission

We’re Reshaping Selfcare in the Insurance Industry Using Vertical GenAI Models

Insurance is a customer experience industry. While the software world has evolved rapidly lately with Generative AI, Insurance is still working with yesterday’s IT systems and apps. The experience it is offering its customers is begging to be improved. We believe in a near future where claims management and policy administration processes will be automated and selfcare in nature using special vertical GenAI models (Large Action Models). It is our mission to bring that future to the Insurance industry and help insurers and brokers offer the best service and experience to policyholders.

The Team

GenAI experts with a passion for Insurance & Selfcare

We are experts in Generative AI and software development. We started experimenting with open source Gen AI models in 2019 and have been applying this disruptive technology to customer care and Insurance use cases since 2021.

Our Sherpas

Yasser Jebbari

Founder & CEO

The Product wizard

Ilyes Sghir

Founder & CTO

The AI master

Philippe Duhamel

Founder & COO

The Businessman