Customer service: When do users ask questions?

Customer service: When do users ask questions?

Purpose and background We studied 8 high-traffic Spellz chatbots to investigate the distribution of interactions over time. We wanted to determine whether certain patterns were shared, but also to prove the value of chatbots for handling out-of-hours traffic. So...
How to get started with a chatbot project

How to get started with a chatbot project

Many of our customers contact us with an idea: “We want a chatbot to automate recurring customer service requests”, “We think a chatbot could boost our site’s conversion rate”, … How do you transform this intuition, which is often...
Customer service: When do users ask questions?

E-commerce chatbot: the words of customer support

What are the top 10 questions asked by web shoppers? For over a year now, retailers have had to accelerate their digitalization in order to continue selling. We’ve carried out a small survey of the main requests customers make when buying a product from an...